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Centro Studi Sereno Regis

The Adonella Marena Award is given to the film that best deals with environmental and sustainable development issues.The relationship with nature, with other animals and with the planet in general is one of the most conflictual and enduring in the history of human beings: a relationship that has undergone in the last century an even more pronounced dynamic of domination and exploitation.Anthropocentrism and an attitude of defiance, the urge to defeat, tame or bend the environment to human interests is predominant, at the expense of a search for balance and peace. In Adonella's works this aspect has consistently emerged: to show the abuses of our system, the consequences of our daily choices, but also to tell stories, big or small, of struggle and alternative paths in search of new balances.

The jury of the Adonella Marenaaward consists of.

Davide Balistreri, president association Djanet. Born in Turin in 1983. while attending History at the University of Turin he travels through other educational fields that lead him to different professional experiences.

Since 2010 he has been a street educator in highly complex neighborhoods of Turin, working mainly with youth age groups, and always trying to combine the educational and artistic fields.

Always with a great passion for music and sound, since 2005 he has worked as a sound editor and sound engineer on several documantaries.

In 2009 he participated in an advanced course on the use of sound in documentary filmmaking, from direct take to post-production.

For the films of Adonella, his mother, he also collaborates musically, composing the soundtracks for No Tav; Il cartun d'le ribelliun; Libellule; Lo Sbarco.

Elena Camino Elena Camino was a researcher in the Department of Animal Biology and Professor of Fundamentals of Sustainability in Natural Sciences at the University of Turin and co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Sustainability (IRIS).

She has intertwined her university work with her collaboration (now 30 years) with an Indian Gandhian Association, ASSEFA, and the Sereno Regis Study Center, committed to connecting the issues of environment and sustainability from a nonviolent perspective.

Elena Ferrero professor of Earth Sciences. Born in 1941, she holds a degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Turin, where she conducted research and taught for many years in courses on Paleontology, Museology, and Didactics of Earth Sciences, combining classroom lectures with practical laboratory and field activities, as well as experimental activities with primary and secondary school students.

As part of international cooperation, he has been visiting the islands of the Republic of Cape Verde since 1998, collecting data, images and samples of the natural environment, in collaboration with Gianni Mortara, researcher at CNR -IRPI Turin, with Ettore Molinaro, Director of the Craveri Museum in Bra, and with numerous students, thesis and doctoral students.

He took part in 2004 in the establishment of CISAO (CENTRO INTERATENEO DI RICERCA E COLLABORAZIONE TECNICO-SCIENTIFIC CON I PAESI DEL SAHEL), its management and its collaboration initiatives with the African countries involved (Mali, Niger, Burkina-Faso, Chad, Sudan) in the context of sustainable development of the natural environment, respecting and enhancing local cultures.

A biography of Adonella Marena

After the teaching experience, she is a member ('83-'86) of the “Gruppo Comunicazione Visiva,” aimed at popularizing women's cinema unreleased in Italy. From this experience was later born the Turin women's festival.

She made her first short film in '90, The Megalith, based on a short story by E. M. Forster, which was selected at the Cinema Giovani festival in Turin.

He devotes himself mainly to social documentaries, choosing women and migrants as privileged subjects, as in:

Women & Nica (1989), Girls of Palestine (1990), The Third Possible Way (1991), The Color of Differences (1992), Now Ledi (1994),  Righibé in Turin (1996).

In 1994 he won first prize in the Spazio Torino Competition at the Festival Cinema Giovani with Okoi and Pumpkin Seeds, an ironic story, inspired by a lived experience, of four women of different nationalities, imaginative and quarrelsome itinerant cooks.

In 1996 she won the 1st Spazio Italia prize at the Torinofilmfestival, as well as a special mention in the Cipputi prize (Best Film on the World of Work) and Comm. Pari Opportunità (Best Female Director), with the film Facevo le nugatine, a lonely journey of a former worker in his old abandoned factory.

In '98 she directed La combattente, a docu-fiction about the encounter between a student and an elderly partisan, a reflection on the difficulty of transmitting memory.

Attention to issues of ecology and animalism led her to make:

Il cascinotto (1997), the formative experience of some young people in a kennel.

La fabbrica degli animali (1999), a journey into the exasperation of intensive livestock farms.

Anime di città (2000), a disenchanted look at living together in the city, inspired by S. Benni (II prize at Valsusafilmfest).

Mobilitebio: when the land is for sale (2000), documentation of the “Italian Seattle,” the big demonstration in Genoa against genetic manipulation.

White suits, an army of dreamers (2002), for the Franco-German network ZDF/Arte. The story of the most original group of Italian antagonism (documented award Valsusafilmfest)

M'agradavo vioure ilamoun [I liked living up there] (2003) about the economic and environmental costs of the 20th Winter Olympic Games.

He participated in a collective film with ten other directors from Turin, Senza FIATo? , about workers' struggles at Fiat in November/December '02.

With the documentary film NOTAV, gli indiani di Valle ( 2005 ) he tells the story of the notav movement in Val di Susa.

On the same theme he participates for Videocommunity in a collective film, Chronicles at low speed ( 2006 )

In 2006 she mounts for CGIL SPI the theatrical action Non mi arrendo, non mi arrendo! a tale of 50 women 60 years after the liberation from Nazi-fascism.

With this she wins the Libero Bizzarri '06 prize.

It was followed by Non mi arrendo, i diritti, about women's labor achievements in the postwar period.

In 2008, with the support of FilmCommission Doc Film Fund, she produces and directs the film Il cartun d'le ribelliun ( The cart of the rebellions), the story of an 800-km march from Venaus to Rome, to meet and collect on a cart-riscio' the appeals of citizens against the great works.

In 2009, with the production of Legambiente Piemonte-Valle d'Aosta, he made Libellule, a nature documentary on these extraordinary insects, and won with it numerous awards in national and international festivals.

In 2011 he narrates with Lo sbarco (The Landing), co-directed with Dario Ferraro, the feat of Italians living abroad, who, tired of the degradation taking place in their country, leave in a thousand from Barcelona and disembark in Italy on the “ship of rights.” The documentary is supported by the Genova Liguria Film Commission.

She is a member of the Villa5 association, to promote the dissemination and meeting of the work of Italian women artists. She is a member of the 100 authors association.

She is involved in eco-animal projects in the association “Vivi gli animali.”

She has collaborated with Rai3, ZTF Arte, La7, Documentary in Europe, Videogroup, Planete, Documè and the productions of Zenit, Stefilm, Donquixote, Filmcommission Piemonte and Liguria.

Centro Studi Sereno Regis ODV | via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 13 | Torino

tel. +39 011532824

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