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Centro Studi Sereno Regis

by Victor Herault, France, 2023, 18' -in competition-national premiere

Nino and Suzanne are on their way to their wedding party when suddenly, their car goes off the road. What was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives ends up being the most important day in their relationship. A beautiful example of how tension arises and how conflict can be dismantled through dialogue.

Victor HERAULT is a French set designer, director, and composer.

In 2017, he and his co-director Julien Aveque received several awards for their film ZU. In 2021, their film Rien à Sauver opened the doors of several new festivals and was acquired by national TV France 3. Amour Noir is his first personal, produced and financed film.

Film Trailer:

Centro Studi Sereno Regis ODV | via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 13 | Torino

tel. +39 011532824

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